Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Citer-citer mini


Tak tau nak citer apa, tapi ada citer-citer mini nak kongsi bersama;

Pope Benedict XVI - Inilah ucapan teks beliau yang menaikkan kemarahan umat Islam seluruh dunia "(The emperor) addresses his interlocutor with a startling brusqueness on the central question about the relationship between religion and violence ... saying, 'Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."

Sila layari:

-terlajak perahu boleh ditarik balik, terlajak kata? No u-turn u-turn dah...

Purdah- "Walaupun berpurdah, saya mampu melakukan apa juga aktiviti sepanjang tiga bulan mengikuti Program Latihan Khidmat Negara (PLKN). "Sokongan padu jurulatih dan rakan ternyata menguatkan semangat saya untuk mencuba latihan kawat, memanjat, menembak dan meredah halangan," kata Farzanah Abdul Halim, 18, peserta PLKN di Kem Semarak, Tanjung Gosong, dekat sini. - berita Harian Metro, 12 Sept. 06

Syabas dik, hendak seribu daya, tak hendak seribu dalih. Sesungguhnya purdah dan tudung bukan halangan utk bergerak aktif selagi ia tidak melanggar hukum syarak.
(sayang, gambarnya tak berjaya dimasukkan di sini)

Petua - saya nak minta tolong, ada sesiapa tau petua nak menghalang tupai masuk rumah? yelah, selain drp tutup tingkap n pintu. Sebabnya, ada sekor tupai ni tersesat masuk rumah saya sekali, sejak tu, hari2 akan ada tupai masuk ikut tingkap dapur. Menyelongkar tong sampah. Ada gak dia pernah terberak kat bilik belakang tu. Sabor jeklah. La ni, dia rajin pulak bawak kawan sekor sekali masuk. Belerang ok tak untuk letakkan kat para tingkap tu? Atau ada cara lain? Nak tutup tingkap sepanjang siang, rasa lemas pula.

Calling-calling - Terima kasih Maklang waktu malam tadi dan Zareda waktu tengahari tadi kerana sudi menelefon saya. Masing-masing ramah orangnya. Lama kami bercerita. Best tul. Paling tak sangka, rupanya Zar sama batch dengan saya di kampus tapi kami berlainan fakulti aje hehe. Maaflah ya Maklang dan Zar kalau bil telefon tinggi. Saya ni tak boleh diajak berborak, susah nak stop, hehe.

Surat- Apa nak buat dengan surat2 bertimbun kat rumah saya ni ? Adalah dalam satu plastik. Ni semua surat penyewa-penyewa sebelum ni. Bukan sebarang surat, tapi surat2 cinta daripada intitusi2 kewanganlah, surat rasmilah dll. Saya terfikir, depa ni tak tukar alamat rumah baru ke masa pindah dulu? Ada yang cadangkan buang aje, tpi fikirkan takut2 tuan punya surat datang bertanya satu hari nanti, sapa nak jawab?


Zareda Norman said...

syikin, kalau ada rezeki kita jumpa jumpa plak instead of calling calling ek.. tapi memang tak sangka rupanya kita satu u, berjiran plak tu.. hehehhe

Anonymous said...

kak syikin,

kalau pasal surat tu, kat Malaysia takleh ker buat return to sender. Macam UK ni, kalau ada surat yg bukan milik kita sampai ke rumah, potong bahagian kepada tu, tulis return to sender. Pas tu kat bawah tulis, person not exist, atau not leave here anymore. Jadi, yang menghantar tu tahu, dia dah berpindah. Takdelah surat apa2 sampai ke rumah lagi.

Patut Pos Malaysia buat servis mcm tu, dan biasa, yg menghantar kena tulis alamat di belakang surat, jadi kalau surat tak sampai, boleh return balik. Servis ni tak payah bayar pun, kalau di sinilah.

Kalau yus telefon akak, harus lama gak bercakap ni, yus kalau org tu ramah, yus pun terlebih ramah....hehe

Kaklong Syikin said...

zareda: hehe..mmg tak sangka kita berjiran fakulti dulu. tak de jodoh nak jumpa masa tu hehe. Ada rezeki kita jumpa, insyaAllah.

Yus; kalau mcm tu ada, tp kena tunggulah pak posmen tu depan pagar. baru ni akak start bagitau pak posmen, sekian2 nama jgn hantar kat sini dah surat dia.cuma skrg ni surat2 yg dah sedia ada tu, serba salah nak buang or nk simpan.

hehe..mehlah try calling akak pulak, baru tau lama or kejap

ontahsapo said...

mini sungguh.... haha..

Alinlai said...

surat tu bagi balik kat posmen... cakap org tu dah pindah ok kot.

Anonymous said...

syikin, bab surat tu. MAsa time kerja dkt sini dulu pun, saya bnyk buat kerja "Please return to sender"

lepas tu masuk balik ke dalam peti surat.

rasanya kesian juga kalau nak hand in kpd posmen sini, sbb depa semua jalan kaki sambil galas bag merah besar tu. Unlike kat msia, naik motor kan?

p/s: kalau tuan punya surat tu datang tanya surat dia - saya rasa kalau syikin dah 3 bulan duduk rumah tu, tapi orang lama masih tak tukar alamat, maka nasiblah. siapa suruh tak take action dulu?

Pandang Dengar Diam said...

letak dalam plastik dan letak kat depan pejabat pos dgn note "manusia oni sudah berpindah"

aNIe said...

syikin...ingkatkan karipap, popia, skirt aje ade mini-mini...rupanya cerita pun ade mini yek?


Ambik surat2 tu hantar balik kat pos opis...katakan orang tu dah pindah...

blackpurple @ jowopinter said...

Rasa macam nak sula jer Pope Benedict XVI tu...

Macamana boleh ada tupai sesat kat bandor ni...? hehehe

Surat2 tu tak boleh pulang kat Pos Malaysia ke.? Masukkan dlm kategori 'dah pindah rumah'

Unknown said...

petua tupai??ish..takpernah dgr ni..huhuhu

Lan Rambai said...

1. popeye tu saja nak glamer kottt
2. orang kita suka sangat ikut mat salleh... kononnya nak berenang, bersukan kena pakai seberapa sedikit yg boleh.. hampehh
3. kalau pakai perangkap tikus, tangkap dan lepaskan kat hutan boleh kot
4. kalau saya call awak, nanti bini saya tahu, takut dia marah pulak haha
5. kalau dah lama benor, buang jer surat2 tu. sapa suruh dia lambat datang carik. rasanya surat cinta macam tu memang sengaja orang tak nak amik.


Kaklong Syikin said...

OS: :D..tak ado ideo nak bubuh tajuk apo dah..

Alinlai & aku: akhir2 ni baru buat camtu ngan pak posmen, cumanya surat2 yg sedia ada nilah yg masalahnya.

MS: ha ah, posmen kat sini pakai motor. skrg ni, baru saya bgtau posmen yg sekian2 penerima dah tak de duduk kat sini..jd depa pun tak antar dah. saya dah 1 thn lbh duduk sini, blh imaginelah surat2 banyak mana. itulahkan, sapa suruh tak ambil, hmm..

mfz: tak mengapalah kalau tak pernah dengor :)

cuaca, BP & k.lady: thanks for the idea :D.

Kak Lady, saya kekeringan idea nak letak tajuk apa, hehe. tu yg sebut mini tu.

BP: Nyawa dia tu kiranya dlm bahayalah ni..nasiblah, sapa suruh cari pasalkan.

Pasal tupai ni, rumah saya mengadap bukit kecil...tu yg ada tu :D


1. bkn saja cari glemer lagi, saja cari maut..

2. kita tak berani ikut pendirian yg ditetapkan syara', mungkin takut dilabelkan sbg ketinggalan zaman?

3. susah, ia ttp akan dtg gak sbb rmh saya ni mengadap bukit kecil, seberang jalan aje..dia dtg drp sana.

4. hehe..itulah sebaiknya, tak yah calling2, kecuali ada urusan rasmi. biasanya calling2 antara lelaki n perempuan tanpa urusan rasmi lbh mengundang fitnah n masalah terutama kalau masing2 dah berkeluarga :D

5. itulah masalahnya..

Anonymous said...

You stinking malay pig, please get the fxxx back to your own land in Aceh or Jawa, whatever. Because this is Tanah Orang Asli and malay pig like you are pendatang!

To someone……….time and time again we have said that the malays are from Jawa. I always say that they are from Aceh, Sumatra, etc - do you see anyone of these racists (obviously malays) objecting to that fact?

This is the truth and they cannot handle this. They don't dare say that because it is so true! Even Mahathir admitted recently - the origins of the malays are not Malaysia but Indonesia - Sumatra and island etc.

The real bumis are the natives of Borneo and the Orang Asli. Not these malay free loaders and wasted sperms.

"Son of the soil" incorrect! More appropriate term would be "Rapist of the soil"! Malays are pendatang, they called Chinese and Indians pendatang! Tak malu!

To malays pendatang from Indonesia, you are also enemy to Indonesia, stupid! Apa? Tak faham English? Makan tahi dan berambus balik ke Jawa! Setia kepada negara Indonesia! So are you, malay pig!

Aren't you a bloody hypocrite? You are not the Orang Asli of this country - you are an immigrant from Jawa, Sulawesi, all elsewhere - why did you come here to this country then?

Why not help your own country (or should I say your dilapidated kampung in Jawa) and improve the situation then? What……….what did you say? Oh you want a better life is it? I see - so what does that make you? A patriotic fake? Or a hypocrite with no substance?

Compare China and Indonesia - then tell me who is faring better in the international stage! You useless malay pig. At the end of the day - you work for me.

Obviously, you are worse than shit. Not pigs, for pigs are really smart animals. Tanah Melayu my ass! Orang Asli were here before your ancestors crept onto this land. Learn some history, ok? Of course, you can always change history! Tak malu kah!

You are sick in the brain, thanks to Mahathir!

Chinese got pissed off as not all Chinese are rich, but all work their asses off to make an honest living, while idiots like you think that you are entitled to riches without sweating. What discontent? After all these years all the handouts, you still couldn't get your acts together, and you want to blame others, the Chinese, the Indians? Where is your dignity?

What anger? You get angry at the Olympics because malays can't run faster than the Americans? The Aussies? The Chinese? (Just imagine some of you jokers made it to the Olympics, although none did!)

If you want to run amok, go ahead, join the apes and chimpanzees, your kind have been doing that at UPM, brainless monkeys they are, and so are you, go flock together.

The reason why malays tend to run "amok" is because of close relative breeding. Just like non-high breed dogs - brother have sex with the mother, and father marry their own sister, and the confusion goes on.

The end result is non-high breed dogs - that are difficult to train and tend to even bite their own master. Unlike the Chinese, they are very careful not to have too close relative marrying one another.

That is why you can see how Chinese excel in different part of the world. The Chinese are indeed a world race now, as China progress with such speed which is unknown off in any other race in the world!

Singapore is a fine example of Chinese superiority! Sad news for the malay race but then again it is the truth!

(Malay extremists racists are going to call you pendatang etc, even hang you upside down by your balls, for socking them in the balls where it hurts most, like you did.

But you have been brave in telling them the truth about the dark side of their race which explains why they are so backward. God be with you……….)

Rich and successful Chinese don't owe you a thing. Not so successful Chinese are working honestly to make ends meet. So, you either work, or go get fed in the ass by Mahathir, ok? He won't charge you for the ecstasy and the service you may receive.

You are nothing but scum. You give fellow malays a bad name. You make your parents lose face. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? A good-for-nothing idiot! That is all there is in you.

You are a babi hutan from either the jungle of Jawa or Sumatra. All you Umno malay pig are in fact pendatang to this Tanah Orang Asli. So get the fxxx out of my country!

Anonymous said...

They came in Tanah Melayu……….you mean Tanah Orang Asli, they Jawanese pirate descendent came in!

Perhaps that is what we should give these ungrateful leeches like malay pig ultra:

Non-malay businesses should just pack up and leave, taking with them their capitals and investments. Non-malays with the means should emigrate.

Then these sick brain malay pig morons not only can keep their 30% NEP, they can have 100%……….of nothing.

And we sit back and watch them implode under the heavy load of their bureaucracy, crutches and religious fundamentalism.

As for implosions, that is the only way malay pig are going to head if they don't pull their heads out of the sand soon. The world doesn't owe you jack shit, and very soon reality will catch up with the lot of you. You can either embrace reality or perish by it.

As a non-malay and proud of it, I am ashamed to associate myself with hypocrites like you and your followers. I chose to leave the land of my birth because of people like you and guess what! No regrets whatsoever. Best decision I have ever made.

There is no reason for malay pig to be poor unless they are ass lazy or mental deformed or real stupid..........pick your choice.

Anonymous said...

Know what malay pig? A suck babi hutan pendatang from Indonesia, pencuri of Tanah Orang Asli, should be caught by all the Chinese whom you have insulted.

They will then pack you in a pig basket, parade you round Chinatown in KL, to let the Chinese pelt rotten eggs, throw shit and pour all the pig shit from the nearby pig farms on your head.

Then let them take you out of your pig basket and roast you over an extremely hot fire until you become barbecued pork. After that chop your stinking carcass and leave it in the streets of rural for all those vultures and crows to feed on. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Why only malays? You think this country is yours alone? What has the government really done for the pri-bumis and the Orang Asli? Look at how Umno has screwed up Sabah Indonesians and Filipinos getting citizenship and enjoying the same benefits as you the moment they hop off the boat!

You go ask the government to stop all that then I will stop thinking you are speaking through your ass hole.

Podah! You are nothing but a chauvinist malay pig like the rest.

It seems like Malaysia is still not ready for globalisation because of a bunch of anti-social racist moron like you. Our country already independent for so many donkeys years but sorry to see still got such shortsighted moron like you.

Bangsa melayu failed in the past 30 years with lots of help from Umno but still failed! Then they blame the Chinese cheat la, marginalise them la, this la that la……….so much excuses! If you are pariah, forever you are pariah!

If you malay race lazy, no matter how much with the government help, it will back to square.

For me, I just speak up what I had observed and not like the malay race who is always jealous about other race success. Bad hearted.

What the hell you ask all the Chinese to get out from Malaysia in your comment post? It is proven you are another racist moron bastard!

Malay failure is the fact! It has been happened since 30 years ago and not just now. If you keep on denying it proven again you are just another loser or hypocrite!

Truth - what is so proud of asking Chinese to be like your kind of robbers, liars, cheaters in Malaysia? Kaum tongkat yang langsung tak tahu malu! Yes, you motherf***ker are stupid, lazy, fanatic, thus you need tongkat forever! Dick head!

Kaum tongkat still can survive in most of the zoos overseas. See the UPM red short "Orang Utan". At least they could be the laugh stock to this world.

If malays with 50% population in Malaysia non of them success, then I reckon you jump to the sea. That so!

Once again, with you racist pig moron, Malaysia wouldn't go far as far as globalization is all about!

You are truly one of those Umno babi hutan with shit plastered all over your brain and fulfilling Hang Tuah policy in reverse! With babi hutan like you whose brains are filled with tahi babi - it would be melayu akan hilang di dunia!

Anonymous said...

This MESSAGE is solely meant for Coolman, Winner and Run Away!!!

Firstly, nobody invites u all stoopid drunken morons to give a talk or two in this blog! Please keep all yr f***ing words in yr big bloody a**hole and keep it there for as long as it can hold! If it needs to burst out...jamban bergerak (read: tepi longkang) is f***ing everywhere if yr own jamban at home is overflown with yr own stinking shit!!!

Anonymous said...

kak, nak elak tupai masuk umah kan. ajar dia sampai pandai. tak kira la ajar apa pun. matematik ke fizik ke apa ke. janji depa pandai. sbb sepandai2 tupai melompat akhirnya jatuh ke tanah jua. tp jgn lupa tutup pintu ye... :)

-jgn marah aaaa-

Anonymous said...

Oh...by the way, we malays dont eat pig - u guys do so the name pig should be entitled to u ONLY!

Anonymous said...

syikin,tergamam saya baca apa yg mereka tulis kat blog syikin. mmg tak patut betul. Ada ke cara nak trace then can report to the proper authorities.


NBK466 said...

Ada yg cakap...kata2 pope tuh seperti zaman perang salib dulu. Kalau ada ASTRO & belum tgk cite Kingdom Of Heaven buleh tgk cite nie keluar kat Star World..pasal 2nd perang salib.

Kaklong Syikin said...


cutemama: tq. n selamat dtg k blog saya :D.I don't know what is wrong them...

sherin: kalau nak tau,depa ni dah biasa buat camni kat blog orang, tak tau apasal entah. nak kata tak berilmu, rasanya belajor tinggi2 n reti IT. mmg blh trace depa..ingat nak report kat bukit amanlah..

Atok: hehe..tq for the idea. kalau subjek fizik tu akak antor dia kat awaklah utk belajar..boleh ke?

nbk: hmm..dia ni sbnrnya quote kata2 emperor dolu2..tapi tak fikir kesannya..

Along said...


Assalamualaikum, dah lama along tinggalkan dunia blogging ni..tetiba terasa rindu. Mai blog Syikin, tu dia..melambak2 entries yg baru. Kena set aside waktu untuk baca semua. Hehehe..

Harap semua sihat di sana. Tadi skim down kejap, baca ur kids tak berapa sihat. Harap2 dah sembuh.

Anonymous said...

Alamak byknya tertinggal n3...pope tu gila glemer sebenornya...sadis MR tengok minah/mamat babi tak sedar diri tukan??dah ceroboh blog orang mengata orang pendatang haram padahal dewang yang pendatang HARAM yang tak sedar dek untung...

Kaklong Syikin said...

ALong: ya Allah..p mana duk ghaib tak dak berita langsung? anyway, tima kasih datang sini lagi. Hehe..baca jgn tak baca. anak2, masih ada yg tak sihat; batuk n benguk.

MR: kalau MR bagi komen mmg selalu saya gelak..boleh dikata pope tu gile gleme hahah.yg komen kedua ni lagi kelako..mmg saya nak jawab depa balik tu, tp bukan skrg..

Anonymous said...

Komen hentam keromo ni kenkadang kena hati2 ckit. deme ni kut nak provoke orang ajer...ntah2 yg punyer keje org melayu sendirik. yelah kat internet ni bukannyer buleh nampak muke masing2 kan? Kalau perati betoi2 nampak cam org yg sama - nih musti berok sewel yg terlepas dr kandang zoo bnyk masa takde benda nak buat - kejenya mengacau orang! Hihihihi!

Hot Mama said...

Syikin.. lama tak datang blog nie.. eh nie ambik masa panjang ni nak khatam semua nie..heheh
nanti kita nak caling-calling nak mintak pointers dari ibu yg ada anak 4..heheh

Kak Teapot said...

Huish..dasat betul mamat tu komen ek? Bo layan aje lah. err...nih 1st time masuk sini, boleh ke?

Lan Rambai said...

syikin.. blog saya pun dimasuki komen2 tu jugak pagi tadi. delete jer, tak yah layan. lagipun benda tu automatic.. macam spam lah. kalau boleh trace pun, entah-entah datang dari blog saya pula. mula-mula tadi saya delete komen2 hampeh tu, la ni semua komen dah terbuang sekali sebab saya dah tukar pakai haloscan pulak. tapi ... word verification kat bawah ni memang ada atau awak baru letak?

ibuVouge said...

xpelah..sabar la banyak banyak
terima kaseh call tadi
so sweat dapat bual dgn kak syikin

Anonymous said...

terkejut saya baca komen ntahpape tu..tu mcm orang yg saja nak menghasut jer..dah xde keje lain agaknya..

surat lama tu buang jer kak yus, kalau dah lebig sebln, dah kira invalid dah..

cuba buat perangkap tupai, mana tau kot2 nanti leh buat mini zoo tupai..

Kaklong Syikin said...

selipar putus: salam.tq dtg ke sini.depa pernah dtg sini dulu, buat benda yg sama. sajalah tu...

HM: welcome back . baca jgn tak baca hehe. tak pe, mana yg saya blh tolong, saya tolonglah.:D

Honey MJ: salam. alahai..amat dialu2kan. jgn serik, dtg lagi ya..

LR: la..depa dah masuk blog awak dulu rupanya. dah lamalah word verification ni..tp rasanya macam tak boleh pakai aje.

iv: samalah ngan saya, tq sbb bagitau ya :D

MS: itulah, kesian kat grup2 camni sbnrnya, sbb tak de kerja. tq atas cadangan pasal surat tu. perangkap tupai? hehe

RaFFLeSiA MeRaH said...

x tahu lak petua nak halau tupai, kat kg kita pun byk tupai, tapi jarang masuk dlm rumah, kalau masuk pun kucing jer yg duk bwk..tu pun dah jadi bangkai, muehehehe...

Anonymous said...

Byk mini siri disini ya hehehe

Pope itu boleh diketegorikan "Manusia terbodoh tahun ini" kerana memberi lasa bahawa hanya membaca tek bila dimarah oleh seluruh umat islam seluruh dunia.

Am semasa pindah dari rumah sewa lupa juga tukar alamat, akhirnya terpaksa pergi kerumah sewa dan dengan muka tak malu tanya ada surat untuk Am atau tidak

Sherin de Souza said...

Syikin, mereka ni saja nak buat masalah. Sebenarnya kalau betul-betul berpelajaran mereka tak akan guna kata-kata macam tu. Mereka patut buka blog sendiri. Seperti kata pepatah inggeris, "Empty vessels make the most noise!"

Kaklong Syikin said...

RM: nampaknya cara paling berkesan ialah tutup pintu dapur n tingkap.kat sini time kucing tak de,mmg depa lari2 sana sini, kekadang tu selamba aje masuk compound depa rmh akak n lari masuk rumah sblh ikut pagar dawai tu.

am: hehe..tak tau nak bubuh tajuk apa, sbb banyak nak citer. baguslah am p tanya penyewa baru tu.

Sherin: depa ni marahkan kerajaan, tp kat blog2 melayu kita nilah depa lepaskan amarah nafsu. kesian kat IV, dia baru kena pagi tadi, sampai 10 org buat camtu. dia dah delete dah..saya ingat nak biarkan aje, nak bagi org tau, ada gak org yg tak boleh fikir panjang luah marah merapu2, mencarut2 gitu..buang air liur aje.kita tak ada apa2.

Izhal said...

weh racist commenter... get a life or get out of malaysia...

Kaklong Syikin said...


salam. depa dah masuk banyak blog dah..kengkawan lain ada sampai kena 10 komen racist ni..