Friday, June 09, 2006

Gula..gula..di mana kau gula?

Masaelah betul...gara-gara harga minyak, harga barang dapur pun nak dinaikkan..tapi kalau tak dapat dinaikkan, inilah jadinya...sembunyikan barang, terutamanya gula!!! Ataupun p seludup gula kat luar negara mcm yang dilaporkan dalam berita dulu. Menyusahkan orang betullah. Masa saya bermalam di rumah mak untuk menjahit langsir dulu, mak bagitau area Selayang susah nak dapatkan bekalan gula. Banyak kedai ketiadaan gula. Weekend lepas, balik rmh mil pun macam tu juga, mil bagitau area kat langat susah nak dpt gula, hinggakan ada satu kedai tu tetapkan seorang blh beli sekilo jer. Dalam minggu ni pulak, suami nak beli gula, pun macam tu jugak, hinggakan dia p Giant Batu Caves pun tak de...terpaksalah beli gula kastor. Tapi tak taulah kat Giant tu dah ada stok gula atau tidak. Hari Rabu lepas, baru suami dpt beli sebungkus gula kat kedai itupun sebungkus (jadilah). Siap suami pesan jangan nak buat kuih itu ini bagai yg menggunakan banyak gula. Kena bersukatlah maknanya. Maka terbantutlah harapan ummi nak belajar buat apam gula hangus. Agaknya, kalau kerajaan benarkan naik harga barang..tup tup esok dah terjengul depan pintu kedai stok gula pasir setinggi pintu kedai.

Kalian tak de masalah ke nak dapatkan bekalan gula ?


blackpurple @ jowopinter said...

Isu gula.. Kita yang dipergulakan....

aNIe said...

Gula?..entah lah syikin...akak pun tak perasan sebabnya...masa hubby takde ni...kak lady jarang pakai gula...kalau sekilo tu...sebulan 1/3 pkt pun tak abis...sebabnya kak lady tak buat air manis...kalau nak buat pun guna yang 3 in 1...kuih manis lagi lah jarang makan...

Kaklong Syikin said...

bp: itulah..rakyat jelata yg dpt susah

KL: wah..bagusnya camtu. anak2 akak tak kisah ya..baguslah. anak2 saya hari2 mesti ada air teh o, kenalah pakai gula juga. lagi satu kami sekeluarga suka makan bubur manis mcm bubur kacang, bubur durian..tu yg byk pakai gula

Izhal said...

aiseh sedihlah dah jadi macam ni... peniaga pun nak naikkan harga gila2 kenapa entah... tak logic, kat klcc member kata nasi lemak naik dari 2.20 jadi 2.50 sebab minyak naik... tak logic... tak patut... tak berkat... kat sini minyak naik juga tapi harga barang still maintain sama, kadang2 siap turun lagi... naik Alhamdulillah takde di negara bukan islam ni... persatuan pengguna kita lemah lagi... teori customer always right tak boleh pakai kat malaysia... customer always wrong boleh pakai pasal customer sentiasa unduk kat peniaga...

KAMATO said...

manala dia org sembunyikan, duit ada barang tak da...susah juga...lepas ni kurang sikitla pengidap kencing manis

Anonymous said...

kat sini memang masalah. boleh beli sekilo serumah je...

nasib baik maklang tak minum air manis ni sangat. suka air kosong je...

Anonymous said...

ummi sama cam k lady - sepeket tu lama sangat nak abis. kalau beli pun, sepeket at one time. macam syikin ni ummi faham, isirumah ramai, kami ni 4 orang je. yang kecik2 tu pun banyak minum air masak je.

WRA said...

sama ngan k.lady...kami satu family jarang minum air manis....kalau ada pun minum yg 3 in 1, jadi takyah gula...dalam sebulan akak beli 1 kg gula satu paket tu, tak habis pun....jadi tak de la perasan sangat...tapi akak ada dengar gak cerita pasal masalah gula ni...alaaa...Najib kan dah kata, masa ni la nak ubah cara hidup ke arah yg lebih sihat pulak kakkakakka

Anonymous said...

kat ktan pun sama...2 kg terhad utk sorg pembeli Alhamdulillah rumah mak dan MIL tk pyh beli gula...stok gula dr kenduri masih bertimbun2 byk lg...
tp kesian kat peniaga2 yg jual air tepi jln dan yg jual kuih kat pasar mlm...sampai tak blh niaga sbb takde stok gula.

Kaklong Syikin said...

Izhal: betul tu. kalau tak salah saya, bisnes yg sembunyikan barang dngn tujuan utk menaikkan harga adalah salah drp segi hukum syara'. hmm..itulah, depa tak fikir berkat tak berkat..yg penting fulus masuk.

kamatO: hehe...betul tu, blh krg penghidap kencing manis.

maklang: kan bagus anak2 saya stail anak2 maklang.

ummi: saya ni, kalau sbln blh dlm 3-4 peket, bukan takat buat air manis jer, tapi bab bubur2 tu jugak. tp sejak x de bekalan ni, mmg hubby pun kata kena krgkan gule..hehe..

k.wan: kami tak beli yg 3 in 1 tu, sbbnya anak2 saya suka minum, jd nanti kalau beli 3 in 1 lagi kerap nak minum..adeii...lagi kerap kena beli, lagi banyak keluar belanja..

Bie: ha..tulah, akak dengar kat sana yg terukkan. masuk paper, betul tak? org kelantan lagi kesianlah sbb lagi banyak guna gulakan even dlm masakan, iya tak?

Anonymous said...

Prices of raw materials are rising, plastic, solvent, steel, etc, etc. Productivity is low, managers are quick in spending and slow in earning. Collection is slow and economy is sluggish. Interest rising and overall margin is down.

With employees especially the field personnel carrying company laptops surfing the net for songs and chatting with friends with hours stolen from the office. Children are chalking up more digits on cell-phone bill coupled with their increasing pocket money spent at coffee café for more talks.

Things are not looking good. Older generation like us have to work harder to support such phenomena.

Our academics must avoid corrupting habits of mind which finds reprehensible: Nothing in my view is more reprehensible than those habits of mind in the intellectual that induce avoidance, that characteristic turning away from a difficult and principled position which you know to be the right one, but which you decide not to take……….

Yes, in Malaysia we have cultivated a habit/mentality of 'avoid'.

We avoid work (committee, meetings, privileges, seminars, etc, etc, so we can skip from work),

we avoid taking prompt and appropriate action (waiting for inspiration to make simple decisions, setting up of commission this and commission that, and even avoid implementing recommendations tabled),

we avoid looking ourselves in the mirror and eventually we become ugly Malaysians,

we avoid going through the learning curve to hone our skills (sub-sub-sub out the jobs so we can be rent seekers and the guys whom we sub to, can also be a sub rent seekers),

we avoid confrontation and debate (ISA, OSA, etc, etc),

we avoid competition (special quota, special assistance, NEP, negotiated contract, etc, etc),

we also avoid being criticized for we are quick to penalized, with this we short ourselves from learning from mistakes and our weaknesses so necessary, for our improvement and progress in life.

I am a firm believer in psycho-cybernetics. I am not sure if the local media give any highlights to story like that which is much needed in our schools and universities to inspire and motivate the young to appreciate self reliance.

It is sad that the local media often splash and spin stories on mediocre achievements. In today global world, superb achievements by citizenry from other countries are readily available especially over the Internet.

Excessive rewards and blowing of the horn over mediocre achievement continue to flood the minds of our young into believing that, in Malaysia mediocre achievement is good enough and we are exempted from the higher standards from the rest of the world.

I am not sure how many Malaysians have emerged from their background of poverty to succeed in this world. One thing for sure, these people do not use poverty as an excuse not to put in an honest day hard work.

Anonymous said...

Is the language diversity in our educational system a stumbling block to so-called 'national unity'?

Despite the insistence of this idea by the self-interested ruling elite, it is simply wrong.

And the common use of English did not stop Americans from fighting Britons in the War of Independence. And let us not forget the American Civil War - both sides spoke English.

And to the contrary, we see Europeans of different mother tongues coming together in a democratic manner to forge a united continent in the form of the multilingual European Union with common standards of democracy, governance and human rights.

English-speaking people with different mother tongues are also now living peacefully in five different independent and sovereign countries namely the United States, New Zealand, Canada, Britain and Australia.

It is time for the Malaysian ruling elite and their ideologues to stop spreading the voodoo of that language diversity hampers national unity.

The root cause of national disunity is none other than the existence of race-based political parties like Umno, MIC and MCA, which perpetuate race-based affirmative action policies and which only benefit the upper class BNs and their sons, daughters and cronies.

Anonymous said...

From the TV to the toilet bowls cleaners, everywhere the incompetence malays are there. Malays are becoming a huge question mark to everyone. Soon this Malaysia country will be an Indonesia or other poor and peace-less country.

It is frightening to find out about such things that are happening in our country. Maybe now we won't suffer, but our future generations will. All this discrimination does happen, slowly and silently, we are being blinded from the truth.

For non-malays, we are approx 1/3 of the population of Malaysia. Of course birth rate continue to lower, since most of non-malays emphasis education because survival is the fittest in this environment.

For Chinese and Indians, my advice is simple, hey this planet has many many countries, Malaysia is not a significant country. Do you guys know that you can apply for job in US, then get a social security with approval then zoom, you are in US.

In Europe, Malaysians can have three months without visa to visit EU, plenty of time to search around, please do home work first. I recall in Taiwan, if you are Chinese, ok you can get third rate citizenship and can vote in their presidential election, oops sorry, I don't think Indian can qualify here.

Of course for those poor less-educated relatives, suggestion - get one generation into university, whatever way - all you need is one person, he or she will do pull string in next 10 years down the road.

I myself am a Malaysian Chinese (so ashamed). I have always dreamt of being an American or Canadian Chinese. We are treated much better in those countries.

I too will be emigrating to another country. To live as a permanent resident in a more humane developed country is better than living as a citizen of a Malaysia country that doesn't bother to respect you.

Anonymous said...

If you malays can't even achieve total prosperity after 50 years of special tongkat given by the government, then do not be jealous or even envious of other races achievements. Think about it.

In order to make Malaysia strong, malays have to change their mindset and not depending on the government too much. I think it is time for you to "stand" and try to earn things you have got, not being feed by the government.

You can't run this country alone. You are not the only one that is doing sacrifices.

Everyone here does, so stop getting yourself a bigger slice of the cake while trying to take away ours, when your cake is being given by the government but we earn it with our own blood and sweat.

What do you mean that what will happen to malays if Malaysia fallen into Chinese hands? Did Singapore ever kill the malays? Did they forbid them to take their mother tongue?

It is just that the malays have to fight for their own and they eventually did fought their way out and earned their slice of the economy cake, without significant help of the government in Singapore. They still earn similar income to other races.

Maybe Singapore is nothing. But then how do you exactly explain that a small island that was ejected by Malaysia, no resources, they got nothing……….not even they have enough water, but yet their currency is higher than Malaysia? Can somebody tell me why?

Maybe it is because Americans helped them? But it is because of their fairness and transparency, not to mention a highly efficient government. This is something that we can't deny. Malaysians have to learn their mistakes and try to correct their "government help" or "tidak apa" mindset.

And Malaysian malays still fall behind Chinese even with the help of the government. Why? Please do not blame for nothing.

Anonymous said...

Ah! This is all yes no. The problem is the NEP and the preferential treatment for malays which puts them in positions of authority and power, for which they are manifestly unqualified and unsuited.

Get rid of a generation of these under qualified and under suited malays and replace them with the best brains Malaysia has - which of course must mean by a large proportion non-malays and foreigners, and all will be well.

Everyone knows that this is the solution but no one can do anything about it. That is fair enough, but what gets me pissed off is pseudo intellectuals like one who come up with stupid mainstream solutions to problems, of the gutter and sewer - which is where the NEP belongs.

Ah! It is not racist to speak the truth. Let me put it this way - on any objective analysis undertaken - you will find by the sheer reasons that Malaysian public servants were chosen with inferior grades, given inferior training and possess inferior work ethics (i.e. no competition), that many who are members of the Malaysia civil service are if not totally incompetent, clearly second rate.

Get it! You, you, you……….

This goes for army officers, doctors, lecturers, police, etc. Everyone. So you either get rid of them (of course, not as easy as I said) or be weaned off them by recruiting fairly and objective in the future, with eyes on nothing but sheer merit. And there will be some malays in this list as well, but certainly not the 98% who now occupy the public sector.

You are a proper zero (not a hero as you'd like to think) if you can't see that and jump on your high horse. LOL!

It is not true that Chinese and Indians have not been interested. They always have but they know that in the off chance that they are selected the shit they would get, when malays will get promoted and they will remain chief inspectors and majors until retirement.

Really stupid malays will be promoted to higher ranks. Why work for such shit organisations in which promotion is based on race and religion but not ability and performance!

In my experience (I have uncles in police and have lived barracks as well) in every recruitment drive, I have seen there were always loads of Chinese and Indians who turn up (especially for officers position) but they would not be selected.

In the police for example, the few non-malay officer recruits will be taken in one year after the malays of the same age are taken in. Why? So that they will always have seniority.

No it is frustrating and unfair and unjust! But you don't care because you only care for your malays and so you talk like you do.

If you don't know or don't think this happens, you are a typical malay hypocrite.

By the way if you say: "Malaysia was built on the sweat of all races not on the Chinese only" - then why should you malays guys get 98% of the public cake, why? Because of your race? But that is racism and racist.

But then how can you be racist if what some one says about Islam is right. He says: "Needless to say, racism in whatever form is anathema to Islam since the religion rejects totally both the glorification and the degradation, of any individual or community based upon race or color."

But thus what about the bigoted NEP? You malays guys do glorify yourselves and degrade others continually. Can't you see that?

There you see, again back to keris and parang. It is in your blood. You can't help.

Hello, the reason why you malays cannot continue this discussion is not because I shout and shut others up, but because your position is legally, morally (law and even constitutionally, that is) and religiously (Islamic, that is) indefensible.

We all can see that as bright as the day, and so can you malays to accept requires fortitude, moral character and strength, which you guys sorely lack.

So we see the theatrics with the keris and parang. Because you malays guys are living on other people's misery and that cannot please your God and for that all of you will suffer.

And so perhaps the reason why your malay community is so ravaged by aids and divorce and drug addiction and incest and single parent, and generally immorality.

Now debate that you malays!

Anonymous said...

Racist. Racist. Racist……….(50 times)

Now almost 50 years of independence, we really should review the social contract because it has not served its purpose. Somewhere along the line, it got twisted further and a religious dimension was brought in.

This is because 3rd generation non-malays born and bred on this soil is considered 'pendatang' and second class citizens. Whereas recent Indonesian newcomers and Pakistani husbands to malays enjoy better privileges.

Now this agenda is religiously skewed and that is how the Indonesians and the Pakistanis are enjoying better privileges at the expense of 3rd or 4th generation non-malay Malaysians.

This also probably explains why the Orang Asli still do not fully enjoy the privileges of the social agenda.

The NEP has only served a few. Its original motives were noble because weather you or I agree malays do need a lot of encouragement but not the sort that have been getting as opposed to the ones in Singapore.

In the 1970s in Singapore, O and A levels pass marks for Malays: 28%, Indians: 65%, Chinese: 75%, others: 50%.

This NEP discrimination only made the non-malays smarter and the malays more dumb. Pass mark for Singapore malays in state: 50%.

Singapore allow them to leave Singapore any time they want but they choose to stay because their kids are properly educate, got better opportunities, housing and health care……….And they are truly loyal to Singapore.

I would like to add further to what has mentioned.

(1) Singapore's first president was a malay. The republic has also had two Indian presidents including the present one.

(2) The republic Singapore has had two Indian deputy prime ministers including the current one.

(3) It has had two Indian foreign ministers.

(4) The country's present minister for education is an Indian.

(5) A former police chief (equivalent to Inspector-General of Police) was, yes, you guessed it, an Indian.

Can we ever expect such important government positions in Malaysia to be occupied by those representing the minority communities in Malaysia? I am afraid the minorities here can only dream.

As I said, the racial disharmony in Malaysia is not the cause of Chinese, Indians or Malays.

The fault and blame lies squarely and directly on Umno and Umno Youth leaderships, and their barrel of race-based politics and policies.

Are the malays so impoverished in intellect and ability that they need handouts to survive?

The alternative already exists - the day the malays rely on themselves, not Umno, is the day they write their own destiny.

Protection for the malays means isolation for the malays. As long as they ask for more protection, they will be isolated from the progress of the world.

In the end, they will be hiding in caves like the Taliban. Nowhere to go because of inadequate skills, or skills that are not useful to the society and humankind at large.

Income and employment statistics show the Chinese are still ahead of other races but nowhere near pre-NEP levels.

The aids and opportunities provided under the NEP, if given to non-malays would propel them sky high in half the period.

The hardship makes us better, stronger and wiser. Hence we always try our best for the better of our next generation.

If you malays don't like it here, then go back to Sumatra, Jawa, or wherever your ancestors came from and give this land back to its rightful master, the Orang Asli!

Anonymous said...

It seems to me you are one of the reasons - this country is in suck shambles. Your lame argument only succeeds in cementing Malaysia third world mentality. This country does not belong to any one race as much as you feel it does. Independence was fought and won by everyone irrespective of color or creed.

You are not even bothering to attempt to make a point. Your answer to every suck in this country would be: "Ah, this is Malaysia, eh. What you expect?"

And now to bring myself to your depths to argue your point with you: You are a dumb ass. If people listened you - would have doomed this country to another 50 years of third world attitude and stupidity.

Firstly, thank you so much for allowing us to live and flourish in your wonderful country. I got a better suggestion……….why don't you get the suck out of Malaysia, go try living and working in Singapore where malays are the minority, and see how far you get. It will probably be the same job as you'd be able to get here……….labour.

Bottom line is - the Malaysia economy needs the non-malay races to progress……….malays need us to give them jobs - you need us to provide you with a paycheck and give you a sense of purpose. At the same time here, you need the government's help to protect you from us.

Run scared my friend, because we don't need any subsidies - we are perfectly capable of showing up to work on time.

Yup! At the end of the day, laws are man-made, not heavenly-made. Who made them? As you said it, by the people with power, the people we voted and trusted. Yet, those people might not be voted by us but by the majority in the whole population.

So, is it fair in the end? But who ever said that life is fair? There will always be people who are happy and those who aren't. Even in paradise, not everybody is happy because there is also unfairness. Many people also failed to notice that in achieving the fairness they pursue, they forced others to sacrifice the fairness they had.

There you have it. The law is not inherently flawless in its quest for justness, fairness, equality, autonomy, etc. It was created by people in power in a certain society, and change will only come through their or their predecessors actions. Whether public opinion can sway the actions of those in power will have to be seen in due time.

Anonymous said...

I seriously think malays should learn how to stand on their own feet instead of blaming non-malays for their own failure. Without the hardworking non-malays, Malaysia government won't have money to subsidy the hardly work malays.

NEP and institutional discrimination have brought negative effect to malays mindset and competitiveness.

I need to remind you; don't fool by this protectionism. Like APs, government contract, government land, government loan, government subsidy.

Tell me how many poor malays able to access to these goodies or did you get something from the list above! The grass-root malays have being cheated by the rich malays for supporting the NEP.

Only those rich malays have connection for these programs. Malaysia automobile policy has only created four APs kings vs. thousand poor malays. Wake up, your own people have cheated you not the non-malays.

Here is the following list of near bankrupt GLCs:

(They are direct GLCs or indirect GLCs via EPF, Tabung Haji or other government agency.)

(1) Bank Bumi (no longer exist)
(2) Bank Islam (looking for capital injection)
(3) IntraKota
(4) MAS
(5) ParkMay
(6) Perwaja
(7) Proton
(8) Putra LRT
(9) Renong
(10) Star LRT

It is about the wake up call for the malays. NEP will make malays as good as a 'katak dalam tempurung'.

Whatever you think may not be whatever it is. Non-malays never forbid malays to open their own business. Non-malays never ask malays to be not hardworking. I only hear non-malays complaint malays not work hard enough.

When malays choose not to work hard, please do not stop others to work hard by imposed regulation and rule such as permit or quota to stop someone to excel.

Why can't malays look beyond what is the protection? I never suggest take away all the protection; I know malays did not ready for that. But malays like you so scare to dare not even try for partial of the protection.

If this situation prolong, malays forever will live inside the protective area just like Red Indians live in their conservation.

I live in USA before, I used to work as an IT consultant. My pay was similar to the local white guys. They never treat me as a foreigner. I easily get a place for my MBA with a state scholarship. I never get discriminated even I have different skin color as them.

Yes, the income tax is high - 35%, sales tax is 7%; every time you buy anything you have to pay extra 7% for the goods; but when I call the city police regarding my car key being lock inside my car, they reach the site within 10 minutes. The best thing is the police never ask me for coffee money but some friendly advice for me to carry a spare key in my wallet.

I don't know where did one get the impression that USA is discriminate against foreigners. They know everyone in USA is foreigner. The black getting more scholarship than the white but the black don't like the book instead of drug/gun.

Protectionism will not able to broaden malays horizon. The best defend is reach out. Do not hide inside your protested area. It won't work. Learn how to reach out and proactive. Just like the fish in the river, either you being push down stream by the current or you constantly swim to stay ahead.

Anonymous said...

Hello, I am a Malaysian Chinese and agreed these racial discrimination things really happening now in Malaysia.

I think I will emigrate all to other country too later on. God bless the rest of us minority! And I beg to the international community to pressure our government to stop this racial discrimination.

The Malaysia government should be ashamed of itself. These policies are more akin to some Nazi state than a democratic country. I sure feel fortunate not to have been born in such a country where races divide rather than unite the people.

As a Malaysian Chinese sadly I need to say we can't do any shit about it, I wish I can just run to Singapore and stay there.

Trust me, it is not use ranting here. Malays are very tribal and they might consider you a friend if you are Muslim. Otherwise sorry, you just have to get used to second class.

I am sick of their attitude and my father was a victim of malay politics. Basically the corporation which used to earn billion dollars of profit now is losing millions every year.

Malaysia Airlines is following suit too and I am sure many people who received the "insider email" know what happened.

I am just sick of it you know. I want our country to flourish and these racists are here treating everybody else as outsider and enemies. Tolerance? We tolerate them more than they tolerate us.

So I left the country. Outside Malaysia, not many Malaysian malays can survive - the harsh reality of working to survive rather than being spoon-fed.

They can tell everybody else to "get out of the country" as usual and so I did. And when the time come, Malaysia will become like Indonesia and I hope they enjoy a country with 100% tribal malays.

Such a waste and pity. A country with so much potential but they just can't get over their tribal mindset.

Everyone should stop flaming malays, come on, their body so smelly, they don't eat pork but much more stupid than a pig, their face so ugly, their music and movie all third rated lame ass stuff, they can't even eat food without having other people feeding them, how come you guys keep flaming the malays, be more considerable, they already having a miserable life now.

Look at the state of mistrust among the races. There is no unity. It is the mentality of the people that we should be more concerned about.

Only when the individual changes, can the community change, can the society change, can the government that represents this society change - for the better.

Racism is a cancer. Until we rid of it, nobody whether Chinese, Indian or Malay can prosper in this country.

Truth hurts but truth really prevails……….this country sucks!

Anonymous said...

Since when are public projects undertaken to benefit the people in Malaysia? You have the legion of parasitic, politically connected contractors swarming to their political masters for the juicy bits.

And even then, the projects get subbed, and subbed, and subbed……….and the people end up getting shoddy pieces of work! How much money was wasted when, after spending billions, all we get are useless, cracking supports for highways!

All this talk about pouring money into public transport is just sheer nonsense. Where I used to live, thousands of cars head to the industrial heartland of Selangor for work, and yet there is not a single bus line connecting a vast residential area directly to the work place. You have to go all the way down to town, and then change buses again.

How much sense does that make? Oh……….ok, in that way the bus companies (controlled by you know who) get to make more profits huh……….Even when companies like Intrakota and Cityliner get to monopolize the bus routes, they are making losses! I don't know how one does it, but one must be damn 'smart' to get a monopoly and still lose money!

While the people are sound asleep, the robbers are having a field day. Of course, both the people and the government will learn their lessons, when it is too late.

By the time they wake up from the slumber, the world would have gone far from our reach, thanks to a government (and controlled by Umno) more interested in driving posh cars, living in posh bungalows and pushing for laws that will endow them with additional mistresses and wives. But when you try to tell them something to bring them to their senses, they get angry.

Are we going to let them navigate this nation to disaster?

Look at Samy Velu, Ong Ka Ting, Lim Keng Yaik - do they all look like saving this country? They want to save their wealth and continue robbing the country and at the same time laughing at our naivety.

No NEP version is going to succeed if the majority of the wealth is going to get redistributed to only politically connected people.

Talking about the scenic bridge, why the urgency in building this bridge? The nation has more important matters to deal with than building a crook bridge! But I guess the (politically connected) contractors are getting impatient.

If work does not start, they are not getting money, are they? There we go again! It does not matter if at the end, the bridge gets nowhere, as long as the contractors get the job done, they get their money. To hell with the people!

Everyday we are bombarded with uncontrollable outbursts from angry people in the streets who are both fed up with the lack of deliveries by the civil service, corporations, GLCs and even local councils.

You and many commentators both in the forum and others, have often time expressed both anger and frustrations, and eventually brewed into bitterness due to lack of progress and responses to our complaints and occasional outbursts.

We are definitely no lack of advisers, armchair managers, armchair supervisors, consultants, experts on papers, etc, etc. What we need and urgently need are hands-on manager, people of action, people who can get the job done.

The jumbo size cabinet is but a musical chair for spinning the 'avoidance' of responsibilities.

My business experiences have convinced me that the difference between spending and earning is not only huge but it is heaven and hell. In any organisation, it requires extraordinary tenacity to earn and sustain earnings over time when people around you are addicted to spending.

I know a number of outstanding young civil servants and heads of GLCs. These guys know what they are talking about and are very hands-on. But there is too much political interference in their work.

The outspoken ones are marginalized, removed or have resigned because of poison pen letters and scapegoat. The smart ones, unlike cream, never rise to the top.

Most people lobby hard for their jobs and are after the perks and privileges of high office, but they forget the responsibility and accountability bit. They should be properly remunerated for their work and rewarded for performance.

Why we can't we make such types the norm, rather than the exception? Unfortunately because of politics, we have a situation in our country which can aptly described as 'politics, politics, politics' - too much of it. We are now constipated with it.

Getting to the top, in my personal experience, is the simple part of a professional man's career progression, but staying at the top is most challenging, especially in Malaysia where politics is everything. Poison pen letters - beware!

Pnut said...

Syikin, hari tu saya shopping kat tesco pun gula yg 1 kilo habis semua..

yg tggl paket 2 kilo, itupun sikit, saya amik 2 pack. tp skrng bila ura-ura gula tak der stok saya risau pulak, dan menyesal takut gula tak der..

KAMATO said...

syikin, ubah setting supaya blogger saja boleh comment... macam2 tenguk yang masuk

Kaklong Syikin said...

yuking, ruyom,yoy, tim, pang,samp, rompsam, vesewe, julee, kentanjim, julee: thanks for all of your opinions

pnut: itulah jd masalah betul

kamato: ha ah, terkejut saya..nanti nak ubahlah.

Kaklong Syikin said...

yuking, ruyom,yoy, tim, pang,samp, rompsam, vesewe, julee, kentanjim, julee: thanks for all of your opinions

pnut: itulah jd masalah betul

kamato: ha ah, terkejut saya..nanti nak ubahlah.

fynn: wah..jimat sungguh awak. tak pe.

Kaklong Syikin said...

yuking, ruyom,yoy, tim, pang,samp, rompsam, vesewe, julee, kentanjim, julee: thanks for all of your opinions

pnut: itulah jd masalah betul

kamato: ha ah, terkejut saya..nanti nak ubahlah.

fynn: wah..jimat sungguh awak.

Shami said...

Syikin betul cakap komato, saya baca pun rasa...
Saya pun macam awak hari tu cari gula kat rawang semua pasaraya dan kedai runcit tak der, cuma kat satu kedai pemborong jer itupun, sorang boleh beli 1kg, kalu beli barang lain dapat maksimun 3kg saya beli barang lain, dapat beli 3kg, buleh buat stok.

Sebagai muslim, setiap yang berlaku ada hikmahnya, ...jangan kita menyalah sesama sendiri...dan berpecah...belah. Mungkin penyeselaian akan menyusul andaikata kita sepakat....hanya Allah yang Maha Mengetahui semoga Allah bersama kita.

simah said...

topik gula ni dlm comment section ni mcm dah tersimpang pulak yek? anyway...freedom of speech should be respected..walaupun dia bermula dengan topic gula hehehe e susahnya kalau tak der gulaaaaaa

kasutVINCCI said...

kak syikin,
betul la kata komato tu. Tp kv sendiri tak reti setting.

Isu gula ni mmg mengharubirukan. Cam kv tak minum manis rasa ok lah. Tapi gula gak kita taruk dlm masakan.Tu yg nak kena jugak. Nak2 MIL dan Mak jenis suka teh o. Kat rumah kv dan 1/2 tahun MIL tak jual gula kat kedai runcit. Nak makan sendiri pun punya lah susah.

ibuVouge said...

syikin, gula kat umah ni..saya beli di cfour aritu..kat kedah ni belum lagi beli gula..

Kaklong Syikin said...

shami: baru2 ni pihak kerajaan dah dpt rampas balik gula2 yg disembunyikan oleh pihak terbabit

simah: saya pun terkejut gak

kv: mlm tadi try buat, tapi ada masalah kat blogger pulak. nak kena buat lagi setting tu.

iv: hehe..harap2 kedah tak affected.

Izhal said...

apa banyak sangat offtopic? tapi topic yang diutarakan agak baik... walaupun 50% saja betul... 50% yang betul tepat kna pada mentaliti rakyat MALAYSIA (melayu, cina, india) yang lain semua silap dan fakta tak tepat. melayu yang berada di overseas banyak yang survive tanpa subsidi. cina dan india di malaysia hidup bukan sebab tak ada subsidi, mereka kuat rasuah dan makan subsidi dari ahli potlitik dan korporat melayu.tanpa ahli politik melayu mereka takkan kemana... its a simbiosis... teruatama CINA yang tak reti kenang budi memang sekejap saja kering tanpa melayu... kalau jadi macam kat indonesia, sure jadi macam di Bantam, cina dibunuh ramai2... kalau mereka tak suka sangat malaysia, saya persilakan keluar saja ke singapore atau balik ke tanah besar, kalau mereka diterima disanalah...

Shami said...

Syikin tumpang lalu, cakap izhal saya setuju, sapa yang dok rasa dia bukan melayu tu, dan tak suka Msia buleh angkat kaki, awat duk tunggu lagi, kalau tak kerana melayu tak der ler deper buleh menapak kat singapore, kalau hebat sangat balik lah kat tanah besar cina banyak tanah kat sana kosong....sila isi penuh2 awat dok melata dan mengata, mengutuk kat negara orang..buang karan jer...

abiumar said...


Sambung balajo U mana ?? Master ke Phd ??? Bidang apa... banyak plak songehnya abi....

Bukan apa abi ni ad ahajat tapi lama terperam... maybe 2007 kot... Doakan abi...


Kaklong Syikin said...

Izhal & shami: satu masalah besor saya, saya tak reti nak balas balik puok2 camni :)

abiumar: good luck to you..saya dah jawab dlm blog abi :)

Unknown said...

Tak sangka isu gula boleh menimbulkan pelbagai isu yang lain. Saya setuju dengan izhal, 50% daripadanya betul, tapi yang lain pakai ikut sedap sendiri jer. Kalau saya ditempat akak pun tak tahu nak jawab lagu mana...

Unknown said...
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Kaklong Syikin said...

YUS: akak ni mmg tak reti nak jwb, biarlah org jawab bagi pihak akak..

Literature Sushi said...

wah.. nampaknya saya terlepas perbincangan hangat ini semata2 kerana wolkap.. he..he..

Nak tahu kat mana gula di sorok? Tanya lah RAJA GULA...

Kaklong Syikin said...

raiedzall: hehe..mintak2 jgn blog awak jugak depa p sibuk